The first crowntail betta in the world

The first crowntail betta in the world

Crowntail betta is a type of betta fish that has unique characteristics of the fish.

But do you know who is the first successful fish breeder in the world?

History of crowntail betta fish

This man is considered to be one of the legendary fighting fish circles in his home . His name is Uncle Ahmad Yusuf from Indonesia breeder. This uncle is considered to have invented the Crowntail betta the year 1996-1997.

It is said that the betta is developed from Delta fish or super tail from Thailand. Because Indo is importing Siamese fighting fish from Thailand. And is a very cheap grade fighting fish Therefore, there are many fish that have defects in the tail, causing the spines to protrude outwardly for the delta or super tail fish.

King crowntail betta fish by Nice Betta Thailand
King crowntail betta fish by Nice Betta Thailand

Ahmad Yusuf used this spot as the starting point for the development of the fascia, becoming more concave and turning into a crown tail.

But Ahmad Yusuf was not the person to name crowntail betta fish. , he named it cupang serit Which is Indonesian.

The English person named Crawntail is a man and contestant from the famous Indo named Henry Yin, Henry Yin brought this type of fighting fish to debut and contest at the IBC event. And became very popular And Henry named the fish of this type crown tail.

Henry Yin has been involved in the development of the time to create different types of thorns, whether cross, fever or king thorns. Subsequently, the Patel has developed and packed into the main category of the IBC contest.

It is said that there was a time when prices jumped to 800-1000 USD per pair.

Crowntail betta fish for sale
Crowntail betta fish for sale

Crowntail betta fish It is very proud of Indonesia and is regarded as a fish in the region.

Crowntail betta fish that are continually popular.
The world must accept that as of now in 2024, Indonesia still holds the status of high quality crowntail betta fish. It can be seen that the betta fish contestants If talking about Crowntail That almost everyone would choose to fly to Indonesia rather than come to Thailand.

Cr. Hui Sarawut

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Type of crowntail in the world

Currently, there are 5 types of crowntails in the world.

  1. Crowntail Normal Ray
  2. Crowntail Double rays
  3. Crowntail Triple rays
  4. King Crowntail
  5. Crowntail plakad or CPK

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