Blue Crown Tail Betta


The Crowntail Betta is a variety of Betta splendens. These fish don’t exist in a wild environment, having been engineered and bred in captivity specifically for the hobby and for show. Crowntails were first produced by the Indonesian breeder, Achmad Yusuf, in 1997, whose first fish was given the name, “Cupang Serit.”

Crowntail Bettas, a variant of the Siamese fighting fish, are a popular freshwater fish species native to Southeast Asia

Breeding Betta fish can be a rewarding but somewhat challenging endeavor, especially when dealing with older fish. The age of your Betta can certainly affect the breeding process.

Hailing from shallow rivers and rice paddies throughout Southeast Asia, the Crowntail Betta is one of the world’s most popular pet fish species



This exquisite fish, known as the Gold Crown Tail Betta, is the pinnacle of aquatic elegance. The very name conjures images of regal opulence and mesmerizing beauty. With its enchanting colors and unique tail structure, this betta fish is a true work of art.

Native to the tropical waters of Southeast Asia, the Gold Crown Tail Betta showcases a vibrant palette of dazzling golden hues. Each scale on its sleek body shimmers like a precious jewel, emanating an otherworldly iridescent glow. Its majestic crown-shaped tail, with its intricate web of flowing fins, adds a touch of royalty to its presence.

This extraordinary specimen is the ideal centerpiece for any aquarium, captivating both seasoned aquarists and aspiring enthusiasts alike. Its mesmerizing elegance and striking appearance create a serene and captivating atmosphere in any aquatic setting. The Gold Crown Tail Betta is truly an embodiment of nature’s artistry.

With its lively and personable nature, this betta fish quickly establishes a bond with its owner, making it a delightful companion. Whether placed in a community tank or given a spacious habitat of its own, this vibrant fish effortlessly becomes the star of the show. Its engaging personality and graceful movements captivate onlookers, drawing them into a world of tranquility and wonder.

The Gold Crown Tail Betta is truly a one-of-a-kind fish that will transform your aquarium into a breathtaking masterpiece.

  • Features:
  • Exquisite golden hues that shimmer like precious jewels
  • Crown-shaped tail with flowing fins for a regal appearance
  • An ideal centerpiece for any aquarium
  • Friendly and personable nature, forming a bond with its owner
  • Creates a serene and captivating atmosphere

Invite the allure of royalty into your aquatic world with the Gold Crown Tail Betta. Discover the enchantment of this remarkable fish as it glides through the water, leaving a trail of elegance and beauty in its wake. Experience the magic of owning a true masterpiece of nature.