Speaking of Funny: 77 Ways to Add Humor to Any Presentation [Book]
$7.26 · BooksRun - Redux Books
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Arrives Jan 29 – Feb 7
: Paperback
: Non-fiction
: Business / Economics, Humor
: David Glickman
: BookBaby, paperback
No one will take you seriously unless your presentation is funny. - Finally, a book that gives practical, precise and proven ways to add humor to any presentation. Author and award-winning humorist David Glickman has successfully used every one of these techniques to get big laughs from audiences--and now you can, too. You'll discover dozens of innovative and creative methods to make any presentation funnier. And the best part is how surprisingly easy they are to do! Learn how to: --Get big laughs in the first few seconds (and why that is so important)--Set up your speaking environment for maximum laughter--Know what's genuinely funny--Easily customize humor for your specific audience (Because the more specific the humor, the more terrific the humor--you'll learn why.)--And much, much more - This book will show you incredibly creative ways to add humor to your: Employee Meeting--Keynote Speech--Power - Point Presentation--Sales Pitch--TED Talk--Congratulatory Toast--Project Report--Campaign Speech--Product Launch--Tribute--Acceptance Speech--Opening Argument--Eulogy (well, not your eulogy)--and any other occasion where you are in front of an audience - When you stand in front of an audience, you only have one chance to make an impression on them. One chance to make that presentation memorable and powerful and significant. And no matter how good your presentation and preparation might be, if that message doesn't have some entertainment value to it, it will likely get lost in the multitude of distractions you're up against. And even if you do have the audience's undivided attention, if your talk doesn't have some entertainment value, your impact--at best--will be non-existent. And--at worst--it will mark you with the reputation as a really boring speaker. - The easiest, most efficient, and most effective way to add entertainment value to any presentation is with humor. And that is exactly why the book "Speaking Of Funny" was written. With (actually more than) 77 Ways To Add Humor To Any Presentation, you will never have a shortage of strategies to get any audience laughing, anytime, anywhere. This innovative book details many easy ways to add customized and relevant and appropriate humor into your next presentation--humor that will not only have your audience laughing, but also listening and learning.
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