The Oxford Dictionary of Classical Myth and Religion [Book]
$18.06 · - Seller
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: Hardcover
: Non-fiction
: History, Reference, Religion
Reference Type
: Dictionary
: Oxford University Press, hardback
The Oxford Dictionary of Classical Myth and Religion offers a fully rounded (and highly authoritative) point of access to all aspects of ancient religious life and thought. - Dr Simon Price and Dr Emily Kearns, area advisers for the third edition of The Oxford Classical Dictionary, have come together to select, revise, edit, and in some cases wholly recast, a large number of key entries from OCD to create this handy, accessible reference work on mythology and religion inthe Graeco-Roman world. Bringing to the attention of a wider audience the authority and scholarly rigour of OCD, The Oxford Dictionary of Classical Myth and Religion provides students, teachers, and general readers with an affordable comprehensive, and wide-ranging A-Z reference source. - The Dictionary is unique in that in addition to Greek myths and Roman festivals it covers Greek and Roman religious places, monuments, religious personnel, divination, astrology, magic, and it also contains many entries on Judaism and Christianity in Greek and Roman times. - A-Z entries include:AUTHORSGeneral: Aeschylus, Aesop, Cicero, Euripides, Homer, Ovid, Pindar, Virgil - Christian: Ambrose, Cassian, Irenaeus, Jerome, Origen, Tatian - Jewish: Ezechiel, Jason, Philon - Mythographers: Apollodorus, Hesiod, Palaephatus - Philosophers: Anaxagoras, Aristotle, Epicurus, Plato, Socrates, Xenophanes - TEXTSGeneral: Acts of the Pagan Martyrs, epic, fable, libri pontificales, tragedy - Christian: Epistle to Diognetus - Jewish: Dead Sea Scrolls, Mishnah, Talmud - CHRISTIANITYGeneral: Acts of the Apostles, Clement of Rome, Gnosticism, martyrs, Priscillianists, Vulgate - GODS AND HEROESGeneral: angels, epiphany, river gods, wind-gods - Anatolian: Men, Sandas - Egyptian: Apis, Isis, Ptah - Etruscan: Nortia, Voltumna - Greek: Aesepus, Alastor, Apollo, Chloe, Demeter, Eros, Hebe, Iacchus, Nemesis, Pan, Phanes, Themis, Zeus - Mesopotamian: Ishtar - Persian: Anahita, Zoroaster - Roman: Anna Perenna, Bona Dea, Concordia, Diana, Flora, Hercules, Janus, Libertas, Neptunus, Ops, Pax, Rumina, Sol, Tellus, Victoria - Syrian: Jupiter Dolichenus - HEROESGreek: Oebalus, Phytalus - IDEASReligious concepts: Aither, asceticism, atheism, chastity, eunomia, fasting, fate, invulnerability, monotheism, pneuma, sin, soul - Death: catacombs, cemeteries, Hades, imagines, Thanatos - Philosophy: Neoplatonism, Peripatetic school, Stoicism - IMAGERYIconography: attitudes to art, pottery, Greek sculpture, Roman sculpture - JUDAISMapocalyptic literature, Dead Sea Scrolls, Jewish-Greek literature, Maccabees, rabbis, synagogue, Zealots - LOCAL AND REGIONAL RELIGIONSIncludes: Anatolian, Arcadian, Argive, Attic, Boeotian, British, Celtic, Corinthian, Cretan, Egyptian, Etruscan, Greek, Italic, Macedonian, Magna Graecia, Mesopotamian, Messenian, Minoan and Mycenaean, Mycenae, Oriental, Persian, Phoenician, Phrygian, Rhodian, Roman, Scythian, Sicilian, Spartan,Theban, Thracian, Trojan - MAGICamulets, curses, iynx, pharmacology, theurgy - MYTHSGeneral: genealogy, golden age, nymphs - Etruscan: Tages - Greek: Acarnan, Aganippe, Baucis, Callisto, Calypso, Codrus, Daphnis, Echidna, Erysichthon, Ganymedes, Hector, Hermione, Iapetus, Laomedon, Marsyas, Molossus, Odysseus, Palladium, Paris, Penelope, Phoebe, Salmoneus, sphinx, Telephus, Tityus, Xuthos - Roman: Aeneas, Dido, Mezentius, Tarpeia, Verginia - ORGANIZATIONReligious groups: amphictiony, collegium, orgeones, thiasos - Religious officials: archontes, Divitiacus, heralds, temple officials - Greek religious officials: Diotima, exegetes, kanephoroi, Polyeidus - Roman religious officials: aedituus, Flamines, haruspices, Salii - Social organization: children, genos, patricians, phratries - PEOPLEHistorical: Apollonius of Tyana, Augustus, Decius, Herod the Great, Maccabees, Melito, Polycarp, Symmachus, Thrasyllus - PLACESGeneral: Achelous, Alpheus, Argos, Claros, Cythera, Delphi, Dodona, Eryx, Helicon, Ithaca, Masada, Pelion, Styx, Thermum - Mythological: Arimaspeans, Eridanus, Symplegades, Tartarus - Religious: churches, forum, Greek houses, Isthmia, Mona, mundus, Olympia, Palici, Phidias, sanctuaries, stoa, templum - Athens: Dipylon, Parthenon - Attica: Brauron, Colonos, is, Sunium - Italy: Alba Longa, Ardea, Lavinium, Pyrgi - Rome: Ara Pacis, Atrium Vestae, Palatine, Pantheon, Tiber, Vatican - RITUALSDivination: Albunea, Bacis, Claros, Dodona, eclipses, oracles, portents, Siwa, Trophonius - FESTIVALSGeneral: athletics, dancing, pantomime, wrestling - Greek: Apaturia, Carnea, Dorian festivals, Isthmian Games, Olympian Games, tragedy - Roman: Equirria, Fornacalia, Ludi, Parentalia, Secular Games - Religious objects: cakes, fig, fire, honey, ivory, lead, olive, relics, water - Rites: ritual, birthday, cookery, gestures, marriage ceremonies, menstruation, milk, oaths, prayer, transvestism, travel, wine - Greek rites: aparche, first-fruits, maschalismos, Paean, sacrifice, tithe - Roman rituals: apex, consecratio, epulum, lustration, triumph - TIMEapophrades, fasti, time-reckoning - There are many extra features in this volume: a substantive introduction on the study of the religious history of antiquity, which includes an annotated bibliography; key texts flagged at the end of individual entries; three maps; and five genealogical tables.
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