30 Days to Stop Being a Shitty Boss: A Mindfulness Program with a Touch of Humor [Book]
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: Paperback
: Non-fiction
: Business / Economics, Humor
: Harper Daniels, Logan Tindell, Corin Devaso
: Independently Published, paperback
Has someone said you're a shitty boss, or do you have enough awareness to realize that you might be one? If you believe your leadership and management skills are shitty, then this mindfulness program will be of immense help. Shitty bosses not only adversely impact their employees, but they also impact their own well being. It's time to drop the attachments, patterns of thinking, habits, behaviors, and illusions that have you stuck as a shitty boss. - Let this 30 day mindfulness program guide you to stop being a shitty boss, so that you can start living your best life possible in the present moment. The time to be aware, happy, and free is...now.( Checkout more of our mindfulness guides at 30Days Don't forget to leave a review and share with those you love )****************************************Mindfulness is a practice that has been around for ages, and has effectively changed the lives of many, especially while joined with cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). The exercises in our guide books incorporate fun, common, and unique techniques that stem from old teachings as well as CBT. Most of our guide books focus on overcoming adverse attachments, so that you can live your best life possible and rediscover happiness. - Our approach is to keep it simple. Mindfulness does not have to be a complicated, strenuous, or confusing practice. Believe it or not, you have happiness in the present moment, and that's what our guide books will help you discover. - Our short 30 day guide books can also be used if you're interested in starting a mindfulness group in your community, a coaching practice, or a volunteer group that utilizes mindfulness for health and wellness. Use our guides any way you wish. They're simple, easy to follow, and practical. Most importantly, they're effective and fun. - Don't go another day without trying mindfulness. Live your best life possible Please leave a review, as well as a message of encouragement for other readers. Other 30Days - Other Recommended Mindfulness Authors: Anthony de Mello - Eckhart Tolle - Alan Watts - Dan Harris - Sam Harris - Michael Singer - Jon Kabat-Zinn - Andy Puddicombe - Mark Williams and Danny Penman - Sameet Kumar
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