subject:"Cage birds" from
First published in 1926--and out of print for several years--"The Torrents of Spring" is not only a rare and invaluable example of Hemingway's early writings, but a wonderfully entertaining novel.
subject:"Cage birds" from
Simple text and photographs present the features and care of birds that can be kept as pets.
subject:"Cage birds" from
First published in 1926, The Torrents of Spring is a hilarious parody of the Chicago school of literature. Poking fun at that "great race" of writers, it depicts a vogue that Hemingway himself refused to follow.
subject:"Cage birds" from
Avian Medicine: Principles and Application is the essential reference text and the most comprehensive why to, when to and how to guide for companion and aviary bird management, medicine and surgery.
subject:"Cage birds" from
Covers all aspects of pet bird ownership, including selection, nutrition, behavior, home physicals, emergency medical care, preventative medicine and much more. --Publisher.
subject:"Cage birds" from
The author spent almost ten years consulting with veteranarians and doing hnads-on research to compose the 150 healthy and original recipes in this book.
subject:"Cage birds" from
She flew on an airplane several times, went on numerous road trips and ate fresh vegetables daily.Jak lived a very long life and had many adventures along the way, most of which are captured in this book.Jak was first a gift to William, ...