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"By casting the collection explicitly as an outreach to the larger community of Americanists---not primarily those who self-identify as 'digital scholars'---Earhart and Jewell have made an important choice, and one that will likely make ...
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How do you make your voice heard? Writing for Scholars: A Practical Guide to Making Sense and Being Heard demystifies the writing process, and shows you how to reach other scholars and convince them that you have something important to say.
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... scholars were really smart after all and accorded him the warmest welcome in the house . Yuan Tang's Wedding On the 29th day of the third 264 A Scholar's Path A Broken Candle.
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BIBLE SCHOLAR'S CLASS - BOOK . It is intended that the answers to the questions , and the passages of Scripture which support the answers , should be committed in thought , if not in language , and recited by the pupils ; and then that ...
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... the use of Young Ladies . 7th Edition . 12mo . 3s . cloth lettered . Grandineau's Grammaire Royale ; With a Dictionary of Synonymes . 8vo.7s . cloth . E 效# & 20 C # € 3 8505.040 . L SCHOLAR'S GUIDE ΤΟ ARITHMETIC ; OR ,
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... scholars in reading ; to the edification of families , by assisting parents in their instruc- tions , and to the benefit of young persons in general . That it may not , in any case , be adopt- ed as a substitute for the sacred volume ...
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SUNDAY - SCHOLAR'S COMPANION ; BEING A SELECTION OF HYMNS , FROM VARIOUS AUTHORS , For the Use of Sunday Schools . THE FORTY - SECOND EDITION . Revised and Enlarged . LONDON : PRINTED FOR The Silver Street Sunday School Society ; And ...