Pets can be therapeutic additions to the home. When people think of pets what usually comes to mind are descriptive words such as "cute," "playful" and "furry-" Pets are more than this, however. Pets can have an important psychological ...
... pet can help Instill important qualities in boys and girls. Mostly, he has in mind four-footed furry pets. Canines. Felines. "For example," he said, "a pet 'can play an important role in strengthening a child's self-image. By taking ...
... pet owners wish they could do just that. Fleas can attack cats, dogs, birds, and small furry pets such as gerblls, bunnies, and Jiamsters. They can also attack humans, leaving itchy bites. Bites around the ankles usually come from leas ...
... animal — don't doom it to a lingering death. This Is the principal argument against most "wild pets." Fortunately, most of the small, furry pets sold In pet shops need a minimum of care and are rather inexpensive to maintain. While this ...
Furry pets find love. By Sttphanlt Monson Bulletin Staff Writer The travel plans of five ferjrets and 17 gerbils from California have hit a temporary snag, but one way or another the animals are coming to Bend. And once they get here ...
... furry pets can be just as rough — rougher when you throw in inter- species hatred, prey instincts and pheromones. Owners can find themselves with a nasty, four- pawed clash of claws and jaws. "New marriages or new families are fragile ...
... furry animal named Ollie. And the raccoon-like creature loved it Ollje cuddled up to the white- haired woman until they were nestled cheek-to-chcek.Then, Mrs De'Abrcu laughed and rocked in her chair at Tampa Health Care Center, where ...
Even furry pets need warmth R I donsi that you attend il it- What ran you five Hi 1 of tings with yo on is me lei ... pets should be brought inside on cold dnys and nights? — ANIMAL LOVER IN NORFOLK, N.Y. DEAR ANIMAL LOVER: While ...
Stop in and see the largest selection of pets and pet supplies In the county! Tropical Fish Birds Lizards and other Reptiles Hamsters, Guinea Pigs and other Furry Pets. HOURS: Mon.-Sat. 9-6 Sun. 11-5.
... furry pets. Canines. Felines. "For example," he said, "a pet cart play an important role in strengthening a child's self-image. By taking responsibility for helping to care for the family dog or cat, a child can develop confildence in ...