dogue paws from
... Paws qui l'emmena hors du cabinet d'examen . Quatre de faits , quatre à venir , dit Doc J en se lavant les mains ... dogue allemand ! Bien sûr que je comprends , répondit Doc J , mais , comme vous l'avez dit , les sœurs Whitaker me ...
dogue paws from
... dogue! Take de dogue away!” shouted the Italian. “De bear no like dogue.” But no owner of the dog answered and ... paws. The woman gave up turning the handle of the hurdy-gurdy, and screamed at the dog to desist from irritating the ...
dogue paws from
... dogue! Take de dogue away!” shouted the Italian. “De bear no like dogue.” But no owner of the dog answered and ... paws. The woman gave up turning the handle of the hurdy-gurdy, and screamed at the dog to desist from irritating the ...
dogue paws from
... dogue! Take de dogue away!” shouted the Italian. “De bear no like dogue.” But no owner of the dog answered and ... paws. The woman gave up turning the handle of the hurdy-gurdy, and screamed at the dog to desist from irritating the ...
dogue paws from
... dogue! Take de dogue away!” shouted the Italian. “De bear no like dogue.” But no owner of the dog answered and ... paws. The woman gave up turning the handle of the hurdy-gurdy, and screamed at the dog to desist from irritating the ...
dogue paws from
... paws because Karlo felt lazy one day. Even if students are not working on a specific behaviour, they participate in the program. Karlo was an excellent example of this phenomenon. Some days, he would do a small training session and then ...
dogue paws from
... paw . I guided him through training the behaviour without him discovering it was a training session . When such ... paws because Karlo felt lazy one day . Even if students are not working on a specific behaviour , they participate ...
dogue paws from
... paws . dogue , mastiff . orateur , speaker . point de faquin , no scoundrel . qui ne 49puisse 1chasser , but will be able to drive away . à coups de pierres , with stones . ligués , confederates . 67 font serment , take an oath . amour ...
dogue paws from
... paws . dogue , mastiff . orateur , speaker . point de faquin , no scoundrel . qui ne 49puisse 1chasser , but will be able to drive away . à coups de pierres , with stones . ligués , confederates . 67 font serment , take an oath . amour ...
dogue paws from
... Dogue , Mastiff . Loup , Wolf . - Maigre et à moitié mort de faim , lean and half starved . dogue gros , gras , et ... paws . queue , tail . nez , nose . hors , out . trous , holes . 1montrent , show . Irentrent , enter again ...