pri·ma don·na
/ˌprēmə ˈdänə/
the chief female singer in an opera or opera company.
synonyms: leading soprano, leading lady, diva, star, protagonist, heroine, principal singer, female lead, songbird
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Jul 21, 2024 · 1. a principal female singer in an opera or concert organization 2. a vain or undisciplined person who finds it difficult to work under direction or as part of ...
the most important female singer in an opera company: She was one of the greatest prima donnas of the 20th century.
Prima donna is a term that comes from the Opera, and literally means first woman, in Italian.
1. The main female singer in an opera company : diva. 2. disapproving : a person who thinks she or he is better than everyone else and who does not work well ...
The literal meaning of prima donna is the lead or main female singer in an opera company. Prima donna is commonly used as a negative term for a person who's ...
1. a first or principal female singer of an opera company 2. a temperamental person; a person who takes adulation and privileged treatment as a right.
a temperamental person; a person who takes adulation and privileged treatment as a right and reacts with petulance to criticism or inconvenience.
noun The principal woman singer in an opera or concert. Webster's New World Similar definitions A temperamental, vain, or arrogant person.
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In opera or commedia dell'arte, a prima donna is the leading female singer in the company, the person to whom the prime roles would be given. Prima donna ...