... used In the electronics industry, and architectural detail patterns used in construction and modeling. Again, possibilities for vacuum ... forming, cutting out a finished form rather than shaping heated piece of material to conform with a ...
... used in DIP vacuum forming innrliin. In bringing the modern Gold line Camper into reality several major "breakthroughs" were accomplished. A. The Cycolnc flat sheets used for the Goldline "skins" are the largest ever extruded. B. The vacuum ...
... vacuum-forming and corrugated box usForemost among plastic film developments ... used for overseas shipment of jet engines, part of the theory being that ... vacuum-packing. This simply means a product. Six Dollars. is put into a ...
... vacuum pumps and accessories as used in food processing, food packaging, vacuum forming as well as numerous process applications. Candidates must have an Engineering degree and 3-5 years experience in product management. A knowledge of ...
... used to describe emotions or physical characteristics they're so well known ... forming, extruding or casting, usually by the application of heat and ... Vacuum forming — A method of forming plastics sheet materials in which a ...
... Vac-Form Inc. plant in the Airport Industrial Park on the north side of Warsaw. Company officials say they will soon be moving to the new 15,000 square foot manufacturing facility, which will be used for the vacuum forming of plastics ...
... USED OFFICE FURNITURE — Wood & steel. Large selection. Reasonable. BESCO. 16 ... used furn. Call Eddie s Neve & Used Furn.. Reinholds, Pa . 67S-536S ... vacuum forming machine WD1 consider any type or model. Writ Box 926. Eagle ...
... USED MOTORCYCLE Preferably Harlev Davis, wanted for r highway travel. Phone 527-8086 after 6 p.m.. 63 SWAPS Prinz ... Vacuum Forming g Business or Machines 'new or used'. Complimentary to Sign and PackoelnK Industry. Inquiries ...
... condition, good (or low volume company $250 6 months guarantee. Alter 6PM 922 2559. '•VAC Vacuum forming machine 24"x30" platform used for magnetic vacuum signs or vacuum formed parts 4 years old. includes letters Makeotfer 9533379.
... VACUUM CLEANER— Like new, very reas. Call. 374-4880. EFNT — Television— $5 wk ... used \injl sola Call 921-070S. USED — Ho..ywood breakfast furniture. hoids ... forming machine Will consider any type or model. Write Box 926, Eagle ...