SGX:N4E from
Written by the authors of the best-selling book Improving Customer Satisfaction, Loyalty, and Profit, this important new book will help business professionals to think and plan strategically to dramatically improve services, service ...
SGX:N4E from
This book traces the careers of Roy Vagelos, who eventually became the CEO of Merck and Co., Inc. This book discusses collective decision making from the perspective of social choice and game theory.
SGX:N4E from
This book takes a painless approach that first-time users will find reassuring--a quick-start, step-by-step tutorial on object-oriented programming; dozens of easy-to-follow sample programs; helpful icons highlighting special tips and ...
SGX:N4E from
The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency's (OCC) Comptroller's Handbook booklet, "Commercial Real Estate Lending," provides guidance for bank examiners and bankers on commercial real estate (CRE) lending activities.
SGX:N4E from
This book will be useful for courses in media and broadcasting, economics, sport management and sports development.
SGX:N4E from
Specific to this book: • Written by an acknowledged expert in the field• Clear and concise presentation• Includes references throughout to further information and materials Excerpt from a book review: "Prof Ian Blackshaw has provided ...