NAM CHEONG LIMITED (SGX:N4E) has changed the issuer name / code to NAM CHEONG LTD (SGX:1MZ) with effect from 2024-03-11 due to shares consolidation.
NAM CHEONG LIMITED (SGX:N4E) has changed the issuer name / code to NAM CHEONG LTD (SGX:1MZ) with effect from 2024-03-11 due to shares consolidation.
Nam Cheong Ltd (SGX:N4E) Intrinsic Valuation. Check if N4E is overvalued or undervalued under the bear, base, and bull scenarios of the company's future.
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Mar 11, 2024 · (SGX: N4E). Nam Cheong Limited is an investment holding company. The Company and its subsidiaries operate as an offshore marine company. It ...
Nov 15, 2019 · Nam Cheong shareholders are down 22% for the year, but the market itself is up 8.4%. However, keep in mind that even the best stocks will ...
Based on the financial report for Sep 30, 2023, Nam Cheong Ltd's Common Shares Outstanding amounts to 8.1B MYR. What is Nam Cheong Ltd's Common Shares ...
First of all, we'll work out how to calculate ROCE. Next, we'll compare it to others in its industry. Then we'll determine how its current liabilities are ...
Nam Cheong is a global offshore marine group that engages in shipbuilding and vessel chartering.
Nam Cheong (SGX:1MZ) 5-Year Yield-on-Cost % as of today (August 16, 2024) is 0.00. 5-Year Yield-on-Cost % explanation, calculation, historical data and ...
Trading of Nam Cheong (SGX:N4E) shares suspended. "The board is unable to reasonably assess the company's financial and is unable to demonstrate to...