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Investing ideas, stock information, fundamental analysis, technical analysis on CMB 5xShortSG231019 ($CMB 5xShortSG231019(DSGW.SI)) from SE Asia's most active ...
Asia's most international, multi-asset exchange, operating securities, fixed income and derivatives markets to the highest regulatory standards.
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SGX Freight Futures Contracts are fully fungible with its corresponding FFA swaps. The contract specifications of a futures contract and its corresponding swap ...
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Key Features · Effective hedging instrument to manage freight price risk · Exposure to time charters and key shipping routes with no risk of physical delivery ...
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Singapore Exchange Limited, an investment holding, engages in the operation of integrated securities and derivatives exchange, related clearing houses, ...
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In foreign exchange, we are Asia's leading marketplace and most comprehensive service provider for global FX over-the-counter and futures participants.
The SGX report is a data structure that contains the enclave's measurement, signer identity, attributes and a user-defined 64B string. The SGX report is ...
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SGX is a procedural facial animation system driven by audio. It produces accurate lip sync as well as nonverbal behaviors including full-face emoti...