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... sgx aw awv awx an anv anx vf vfv vfx sf sfv sfx Basistabellen Im allgemeinen steht erst der Code für die Individualinstanz. KBGS Mn Mnw Mnw KBGSs Mns Mnws Mnsw EOFT Wt Wtw Wtw EOFTs Wts Wtws Wtsw rYs IN INW INW ss sh ft ht hd ge gn tk tg ...
... SGX is new O.R.S. Ham students of Cal . includes station VWT , announces new ... SGX 88 FYW 81 DYQ 61 CMN 46 MYT 38 in Kansas . PAH is active on 3.9 Mo ... AWX . 100 is a new one in Grand soon be new O.P.S. and 0.0 .; Les is ...