HealthBank Holdings Limited, an investment holding company, engages in the property investment and management business in the People's Republic of China.
The current price of 40B is 0.104 SGD — it hasn't changed in the past 24 hours. Watch HEALTHBANK stock price performance more closely on the chart.
HEALTHBANK HOLDINGS LIMITED (SGX:40B) ; Change / %, > +5% price gain ; > -5% price loss ; Short Sell Volume, > 30% of Total Volume ; > 50% of Total Volume ...
HealthBank Holdings Ltd. ; Volume, 1.54 ; Market Value, $9.81M ; Shares Outstanding, 94.3M ; EPS (TTM), -$0.070 ; P/E Ratio (TTM), N/A.
It offers landscaping, property, and facilities management services. The company was formerly known as SMJ International Holdings Ltd. and changed its name to ...
Healthbank (SGX:40B)'s latest announcements on earnings, buybacks, dividends, insiders trades, media releases, AGM, EGM, response to queries via SGX.
Healthbank Holdings Ltd. is an investment company, which engages in the provision of tourism and hospitality business.
The current price of SGX:40B is S$0.10. The 52 week high of SGX:40B is S$0.14 and 52 week low is S$0.08. When is next earnings date of Healthbank Holdings ...
Rating · Review by Stockopedia
Discover all the factors affecting HealthBank Holdings's share price. 40B is currently rated as a Sucker Stock | Stockopedia.
HealthBank Holdings Ltd (SGX:40B) ROE ratio. See how ROE has changed over time and compare its current value with the distribution of ROE across ...