• Stocks have seen some of their worst selloffs in October, and this year may end up being no different.
  • The crash of 1929 came during October, as did the 1987 crash, the stock market sell-offs of 1978 and 1979; Friday the 13th in 1989, and the painful 733 point drop on Oct. 15, 2008.
  • According to 'Stock Traders Almanac,' there have also been big turnarounds in October, particularly in midterm election years.

This October is living up to its reputation as being one of the most violent, scary months for stocks, but "Octoberphobia' can also give way to a turnaround, particularly in a midterm election year.

Stocks have been punished since the month began, with the worst two days of selling — Wednesday and Thursday — driving the Dow down a total 1,300 points. So far for this month, the Dow is down 4.2 percent; the is down 5 percent, and the Nasdaq is down 6.8 percent.