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MapleStory Formula Compilation

MapleStory Formula Compilation

Technolink posted this in SW awhile back, but it didn’t quite catch on… (Source from SouthPerry Forum)

Order of Operations

For the uninitiated: integer simply means “whole number”. The order in which damage is calculated is as follows:

1.) Calculate min and max damage from the appropriate damage formula (see Weapon/Special Damage Formulas).
2.) Multiply by any applicable skill modifiers (see Modifiers), including elemental bonuses.
3.) Calculate defense (see Defense Reduction).
4.) Select a random number from the damage range (not necessarily integer). Call this X, set it aside for a couple of steps.
5.) Find the appropriate damage multiplier (typically expressed as a percentage in the skill description, which should be converted to decimal). Default attack and spell-based skills count as 100%, or 1.
6.) Add any applicable critical bonuses (typically expressed as a percentage in the critical skill description, which should be converted to decimal). Sharp Eyes on physical attacks adds an additional 100% or 1; when combined with Stun Mastery, a further 100% or 1 (totalling to Stun Mastery + Sharp Eyes + 200%; yes, it's true). Also, add Corsairs' Elemental Boost if applicable (max level adds 2).
7.) Take that value and multiply it with X, the number selected in Step 4.
8.) Check if the damage is within the range of [1, 99999] and if not, restrict them to 1 or 99999 respectively.
9.) Multiply by any After-Modifiers (see Modifiers). Most of these apply to skills where each successive hit deals more/less damage than the last.
10.) Take the integer part of the result.

Weapon Damage Formulas

(credit to HS.net, though it’s probably general knowledge by now)

General Formula
MAX = (Primary Stat + Secondary Stat) * Weapon Attack / 100
MIN = (Primary Stat * 0.9 * Skill Mastery + Secondary Stat) * Weapon Attack / 100

Stats and Multipliers:

One Handed Sword
Primary: STR * 4.0
Secondary: DEX

One Handed Axe/BW/Wand/Staff (Swinging)
Primary: STR * 4.4
Secondary: DEX

One Handed Axe/BW/Wand/Staff (Stabbing)
Primary: STR * 3.2
Secondary: DEX

Two Handed Sword
Primary: STR * 4.6
Secondary: DEX

Two Handed Axe/BW (Swinging)
Primary: STR * 4.8
Secondary: DEX

Two Handed Axe/BW (Stabbing)
Primary: STR * 3.4
Secondary: DEX

Spear (Swinging)
Primary: STR * 3.0
Secondary: DEX

Spear (Stabbing)
Primary: STR * 5.0
Secondary: DEX

Polearm (Swinging)
Primary: STR * 5.0
Secondary: DEX

Polearm (Stabbing)
Primary: STR * 3.0
Secondary: DEX

Dagger (Non-Thieves)
Primary: STR * 4.0
Secondary: DEX

Dagger/Throwing Stars (Thieves)
Primary: LUK * 3.6
Secondary: STR + DEX

Primary: DEX * 3.4
Secondary: STR

Primary: DEX * 3.6
Secondary: STR

Primary: STR * 4.8
Secondary: DEX

Primary: DEX * 3.6
Secondary: STR

Special Damage Formulas

Note: Formulas for skills with a damage percentage list the skill’s base damage,
i.e. before the damage percentage is applied.

Spell Damage:
MAX = ((Magic²/1000 + Magic)/30 + INT/200) * Spell Attack
MIN = ((Magic²/1000 + Magic * Mastery * 0.9)/30 + INT/200) * Spell Attack

Lucky Seven/Triple Throw (credit to HS.net / LazyBui for recent verification):
MAX = (LUK * 5.0) * Weapon Attack / 100
MIN = (LUK * 2.5) * Weapon Attack / 100

Venom (damage per second, credit to Joe Tang):
MAX = (18.5 * [STR + LUK] + DEX * 2) / 100 * Basic Attack
MIN = (8.0 * [STR + LUK] + DEX * 2) / 100 * Basic Attack

Ninja Ambush (credit to Fiel):
Damage per second tick = 2 * [STR + LUK] * Skill Damage Percentage

Shadow Web (credit to LazyBui):
Damage per 3-sec tick = Monster HP / (50 - Skill Level)

Shadow Meso:
Damage = 10 * Number of mesos thrown (in skill description)
Normal critical does not apply, instead it has its own built-in critical listed in skill description

Assaulter ignores defense if at or above the monster’s level

Dragon Roar (credit to Stereo):
MAX = (STR * 4.0 + DEX) * Weapon Attack / 100
MIN = (STR * 4.0 * Skill Mastery * 0.9 + DEX) * Weapon Attack / 100

Power Knock Back (both weapons, credit to AGF/Fiel):
MAX = (DEX * 3.4 + STR) * Weapon Attack / 150
MIN = (DEX * 3.4 * Mastery * 0.9 + STR) * Weapon Attack / 150
Mastery is 0.1 at all levels

Claw (punching):
MAX = (LUK * 1.0 + STR + DEX) * Weapon Attack / 150
MIN = (LUK * 0.1 + STR + DEX) * Weapon Attack / 150

Blank Shot:
Speculated to be calculated without bullet attack or Gun Mastery

Bare Hands:
MAX = (STR * J + DEX) * Weapon Attack / 100
MIN = (STR * J * 0.1 * 0.9 + DEX) * Weapon Attack / 100
ATT equals floor((2*level+31)/3) and is capped at 31.
J equals 3.0 for Pirates and 4.2 for all 2nd+ job Pirates.

Flamethrower (credit to blitzkrieg):
Damage per second tick: Damage of initial hit * (5% + Amp Bullet Damage %)

Heal Damage (credit to Russt//Devil's Sunrise for Target Multiplier function):
MAX = (INT * 1.2 + LUK) * Magic / 1000 * Target Multiplier
MIN = (INT * 0.3 + LUK) * Magic / 1000 * Target Multiplier
The % listed in the skill description (300% at max) acts as the skill percent (see Order of Operations above).

Heal Recovery
MAX = something * Magic * Heal Level * Target Multiplier
MIN = something * Magic * Heal Level * Target Multiplier

old formula (credit to Nekonecat):
MAX = (1.132682429*10^-7*luk^2 + 3.368846366*10^-6*luk + 1.97124794*10^-3) * magic * int * healSkillLevel * multiplier
MIN = MAX*0.8

Heal Target Multiplier: 1.5 + 5/(number of targets including yourself)
For reference-
1 - 6.5
2 - 4.0
3 - 3.166
4 - 2.75
5 - 2.5
6 - 2.333

Poison Brace/Poison Mist/Fire Demon/Ice Demon:
Damage per second tick = Monster HP / (70 - Skill Level)

Phoenix/Frostprey/Octopus/Gaviota (credit to Sybaris/KaidaTan):
MAX = (DEX * 2.5 + STR) * Attack Rate / 100
MIN = (DEX * 2.5 * 0.7 + STR) * Attack Rate / 100
Ignores defense

Defense Reduction

Weapon Defense - credit to AGF/Stereo
MAX damage = (MAX before defense) * (1 - 0.01*D) - WDEF*.5
MIN damage = (MIN before defense) * (1 - 0.01*D) - WDEF*.6
where D is (monster level - player level) if (monster level) > (player level), and 0 otherwise.

Magic Defense - credit to Russt/Paracelsus
MAX damage = (MAX before defense) - MDEF*.5 * (1 + 0.01*D)
MIN damage = (MIN before defense) - MDEF*.6 * (1 + 0.01*D)


Skill Modifiers

Combo Attack (credit to RFSurg):
Combo Multiplier, 1-5 orbs = [Advanced] Combo Attack % + floor((orbs - 1) * (Combo level / 6)%)
Combo Multiplier, 6-10 orbs = [Advanced] Combo Attack % + 20% + (orbs - 5) * 4%
Finishers = Skill Description % * Combo Multiplier * Orb multiplier
The orb multipliers are:
1 orb = 100%
2 orbs = 120%
3 orbs = 154%
4 orbs = 200%
5 - 10 orbs = 250%

Fire/Ice/Lightning Charge element:
Advantage = Base damage * (105% + Charge level * 1.5%)
Disadvantage = Base damage * (95% - Charge level * 1.5%)

Holy Charge element:
Advantage = Base damage * (120% + Charge level * 1.5%)
Disadvantage = Base damage *(80% - Charge level * 1.5%)

Inferno/Blizzard element::
Advantage = Base damage * (110% + Skill level * 0.5%)
Disadvantage = Base damage * (90% - Skill level * 0.5%)

Arrow Bomb:
Impact Hit = 50% damage * Critical Multiplier
Splash Hits = Skill damage * Critical Multiplier
(Arrow Bomb's critical replaces the standard critical bonus, which is normally inserted into the skill damage %, as shown in Order of Operations above. It still uses the same value for critical, however.)

Charge/tap damages for Big Bang/Pierce/Screw Punch:
Needing this. We think it's somewhere between 10-15% with no charge


'Ordinal number of hit' refers to, e.g., 1 for the first hit, 2 for the second, etc.

Slash Blast FA (credit to Devil's Sunrise): 2 * (1/3) ^ (ordinal number of hit - 1)
Cumulative damage = 3 * (1 - (1/3) ^ (total number of hits))

Iron Arrow (credit to AGF): 0.9 ^ (ordinal number of hit - 1)
Cumulative damage = 10 * (1 - 0.9 ^ (total number of hits))

Pierce (credit to AGF, and Truemark for 100% corfirmation): 1.2 ^ (ordinal number of hit - 1)
Cumulative damage = 5 * (-1 + 1.2 ^ (total number of hits))

Chain Lightning: 0.7 ^ (ordinal number of hit - 1)
Cumulative damage = 3.333 * (1 - 0.7 ^ (total number of hits))

Energy Orb: 2/3 ^ (ordinal number of hit - 1)
Cumulative damage = 3 * (1 - (2/3) ^ (total number of hits))

Barrage, last 2 hits only (credit to Fiel): 2 ^ (ordinal number of hit - 4)
Total damage multiplier: 10


Chance to Hit = Accuracy/((1.84 + 0.07 * D) * Avoid) - 1
(D = monster level - your level. If negative, make it 0.)

Magical Accuracy:
Thikket and Nekonecat's version:
Let x = (trunc(INT/10) + trunc(LUK/10))/(Avoid+1)*(1+0.0415*D), where D is the level difference between the player and the monster.
hitrate% = -2.5795x^2 + 5.2343x - 1.6749
Stianweij's version:
Magic Accuracy = trunc(total int/10)+ trunc(luk/10) (source: Sleepywood forum)

Accuracy to hit 100% = (Avoid+1)(1+D/24) = (34+1)*(1+(100-68)/24) = 81.67 (** this formula is simplified by myself, slighly differs from the one found in SW thread)
Min Accuracy to hit at all = Max Accuracy *10/24

D = level difference

EXP Splitting

Leech conditions: Only one of the following must be met in order to share a cut of party EXP
1. Deal at least 1 damage to the monster.
2. Be within 5 levels of the monster.
3. Be within 5 levels of a party member that fulfills 1 or 2.

EXP received by the highest damager = Monster EXP * (0.2 + 0.8 * Player level / Total party level) * Party's portion of EXP {see 'When not partied'} * Party bonus
(Total party level = sum of the levels of all players that satisfy leech conditions. When not partied, you count as your own party.)

EXP received by other party members = Monster EXP * (0.8 * Player level / Total party level) * Party's portion of EXP * Party bonus

When not partied:
EXP received by the last hit = Monster EXP * (0.2 + 0.8 * Damage dealt / Monster HP)
EXP received by other damagers = Monster EXP * (0.8 * Damage dealt / Monster HP)

EXP to Next Level

1 ≤ level ≤ 3:
exptnl(level) = 2*level^2 + 13*level

3 ≤ level ≤ 5:
exptnl(level) = 4*level^2 + 7*level

6 ≤ level ≤ 50:
if level%3 = 0, exptnl(level) = (level^4 + 57*level^2)/9
otherwise, exptnl(level) = (level^4 + 55*level^2 - 56)/9

51 ≤ level:
exptnl(level) = floor(1.0548*exptnl(level-1))


Everything relating to HP/MP:
See LazyBui's Guide to HP and MP, no need to have info twice.

Base Accuracy:
Warriors/Magicians/Beginners = DEX * 0.8 + LUK * 0.5
Brawlers = DEX * 0.9 + LUK * 0.3
Bowmen/Thieves/Pirates/Gunslingers = DEX * 0.6 + LUK * 0.3

Base Avoid:
Warriors[/Magicians/Bowmen/Thieves/Beginners] = DEX * 0.25 + LUK * 0.5
Pirates = DEX * 0.25 + LUK * 0.5
Brawlers = DEX * 1.5 + LUK * 0.5
Gunslingers = DEX * 0.125 + LUK * 0.5

Hands = DEX + INT + LUK (used for Maker skill in KMS, thanks GW2000 for pointing that out)


Caps: (most of these are trivially common knowledge, but they're here for reference anyway)
Level: 200
HP/MP: 30000
Weapon/magic attack/defense: 1999
Accuracy/avoid: 999
Meso: 2147483647 (or 2^31-1, the maximum value of a signed int)

All of the above also apply to mobs, if the stat applies.

Cast times can be found in LazyBui's Attack Speed Reference

Base HP Recovery: 10 / 10 seconds while inactive
Base MP Recovery: 3 / 10 seconds

Mages' Improving MP Recovery skill: Character level * MP Recovery level / 10

Battleship Durability: (Battleship level * 2 + (Character level - 120)) * 200
Each point of durability is equivalent to 10 HP.

Energy Charge:
10000 units = 1 fully charged meter
Charge rate: Skill % * 100 units per monster per hit. In other words, at maximum level, it charges 192 units per monster per hit.
Energy Charge decay: 200 units / 10 seconds while inactive
Categories: MapleStory Formula
  1. nathanknight
    18/11/2009 at 3:37 am

    That guide is actually good, but the bad thing is, what about the warriors REALLY want TO HIT MONSTERS WITHOUT MISS!!!!
    i SUGGEST THIS FORMULA need to adjust.

    chance to hit = (character’s accuracy / ((1.84+0.07*D)*A)) – (1*0.05*(D-5))

    where D is level difference (Monster’s level – character’s level),
    and A is monster’s avoid
    level 100 Crimson balrog, avoid 40 vs. character level 95, accuracy is 94.

    (94 / ((1.84+0.07*5)*40))-(1*0.05*(5-5)) = 100% chance to hit, never miss (1.07*100)

    This formula depends on monster’s level and avoid vs. character’s level and accuracy.
    I hope this formula really works as well, reply me if u want, ayumilovemaple.
    That’s from maple calculator compilation formula.

  2. nathanknight
    14/11/2009 at 7:54 am

    I saw on bare hands formula (no weapon, like sword), what about Warriors and other jobs formula? Is it applicaple?

  3. nathanknight
    14/11/2009 at 7:37 am


    MAX damage = (MAX before defense) * (1 – 0.01*D) – WDEF

    MIN damage = (MIN before defense) * (1 – 0.01*D) – WDEF

    where D is (monster level – player level) if (monster level) > (player level), and 0 otherwise.

    It’s WEAPON DEFENSE ITSELF! No other. EXCELLENT FOR ADDITIONAL SHIELD MASTERY. also for magic defence. I really need it!! Thank you very much for replying me, sir.

  4. ram
    14/11/2009 at 7:24 am

    yeah! It is right!!

  5. nathanknight
    14/11/2009 at 7:23 am

    Is it insane??? I wish i HAVE SHIELD MASTERY, this is important, friend. That is my ambition, to protect myself and others! WEAPON DEFENSE ITSELF!! or magic defense itself.

  6. nathanknight
    14/11/2009 at 7:21 am

    I have a question, what about WEAPON DEFENSE and/or magic defense itself???

    Weapon Defense – credit to AGF/Stereo

    MAX damage = (MAX before defense) * (1 – 0.01*D) – WDEF*.5

    MIN damage = (MIN before defense) * (1 – 0.01*D) – WDEF*.6

    where D is (monster level – player level) if (monster level) > (player level), and 0 otherwise.

    It should be like this.

    MAX damage = (MAX before defense) * (1 – 0.01*D) – WDEF

    MIN damage = (MIN before defense) * (1 – 0.01*D) – WDEF

    where D is (monster level – player level) if (monster level) > (player level), and 0 otherwise.

    NO WDEF*.5 and WDEF*.6 this is sucks if they have .5 or .6 on weapon defense.

  7. 14/11/2009 at 1:17 am

    I would like to point out that the max for stats is 32767 or (2^15)-1.

    The numbers for the caps are generally taken from the fact that computers run in bits and bytes. These are based on powers of two, 16 and 32 (meso and stats). WindowsXP runs on 32 bits.

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