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I tried 10 peppermint gums and the winner made my breath ready for a make-out session

I chewed and chewed until I was ready to chews a winner.
Extra, extra ... read all about it!
Extra, extra ... read all about it!TODAY Illustration

While I’d love to lick my way through a candy cane taste test, it’s likely that most mainstream options are going to taste exactly the same. Peppermint, after all, is a pretty one-noted, distinct and powerful flavor that can’t really be manipulated beyond its menthol and cooling characteristics … or can it?

There are, of course, many peppermint-flavored chewing gums on the market that all taste completely different. And let’s not forget the ranges in texture and the ability to last longer than five seconds (looking at you, Juicy Fruit).

So, in the spirit of the holidays, I figured peppermint gum would not only be the next best thing to Christmas’ red-and-white signature treat, but also a very helpful guide for anyone who smacks on a stick or pellet daily and is in search of an upgrade (or bragging rights for already picking the best of what grocery stores have to offer).

Check out my final ranking below. And if you’re tall, dark and handsome with a robust finance portfolio and plenty of disposable income, feel free to kiss me because my breath is the most minty fresh it’s been in ages.

10. Mentos Pure Fresh Gum

Mentos obviously gets bonus points for boasting a gel center with green tea extract, but the flavor was almost peppery and dissipated quicker than all of the options on this list. It’s something I would 100% chew on if I was in desperate need of a quick refresh, but it wouldn’t be a daily go-to like Sabra hummus or my list of reasons why I’m not going to the gym.

9. PUR Peppermint Gum

I suppose that everyone’s biochemistry is different, but PUR just didn’t last in the flavor department. This was particularly weird since I’ve heard that the brand is one of the longest-lasting gums on the market. That said, it had a very pleasant mouthfeel and seemed to clean my teeth and gums as I chewed it. Joey-tested, dentist-approved?

8. 5 Peppermint Cobalt Gum

This gum felt the most substantial in texture, almost like a chewing tobacco, but then it took a quick detour and became quite flimsy. The flavor lasted long, though, but after 30 minutes of enjoying its concentrated peppermint taste, I actually developed a headache. This was no bueno since I didn’t have Advil on standby.

7. Trident Original Flavor Gum

I can't believe Trident is still marketing its gum as “original flavor.” I believe it was 2017 when the recipe and packaging were altered to accommodate a more modern consumer. And frankly, I haven’t chewed it since. This new, “refreshingly long lasting” Trident isn’t bad, though, but the peppermint is a lot stronger, which detracts from the brand’s signature sweetness that I enjoyed oh-so-much. With all that off my chest, the balance of sweet and refreshing is lovely and the stick is, indeed, long-lasting, so it doesn’t get an F like I did on a physics final in high school.

6. Eclipse Peppermint Gum

The first few bites were almost an assault to the taste buds, but Eclipse’s peppermint gum is ideal for anyone who demands an immediate kick to the mouth. Like, this is the one I’d want in my back pocket right before an intense makeout session, so if I leave the house with it in hand, you know exactly what I’m off to do. 😇

5. Spry Natural Peppermint Gum

I always thought this was a gum marketed to an older audience, so I never gave it much thought. And while its packaging does make it seem like a jar of Vicks VapoRub, Spry was my favorite on this list when it came to combatting bad breath. The gum is quite expensive, though, so if you feel lukewarm about the sticky sweet stuff in general, you may want to pass on this and invest in a cheaper alternative.

4. Orbit Peppermint Gum 

Orbit really dominated the long-lasting flavor game, making it one of strongest on this list. It’s one of the few I would trust chewing after a meal full of garlic and onions, and the flavor, which was somewhat sweet like Trident, was a clear standout. I certainly prefer Sweet Mint and Bubblemint from Orbit, but am happy to now have a new flavor to add to my gum rotation.

3. Dentyne Ice Peppermint Gum

This one, like Orbit, really packed a punch, sending bad breath flying out the front door. I had also been chewing on it for literal hours before realizing it was probably time to spit it out. While it is a tad stickier than the norm, I clearly didn’t mind it. But if you’re chewing it with braces or dentures, you’re going to run into some serious issues that an orthodontist would shake their head over.

2. Extra Peppermint Gum

Extra, extra … read all about it! This stick tasted the most like actual peppermint candy. It also made my mouth feel the juiciest? Like, I salivated more than normal as I chomped through the first few bites. There isn’t much else to say other than I really, really enjoyed it and think Extra has done a wonderful job creating a gum that is extremely well-rounded (unlike my application to journalism school where I revealed that most of my time was spent in the library).

1. Ice Breakers Peppermint Ice Cubes

This was my favorite gum of the bunch, only because it was the most fun to bite into. I now legitimately crave the crunchy coating, peppermint crystals and unique cube shape. In fact, companies should start manufacturing more products in cube form (like those crazy watermelons from Japan). If you have something as boring and basic as peppermint gum, sometimes the novelty of something different can make the experience feel special. Case in point here with Ice Breakers, which is more than deserving of a gold medal in taste, texture, longevity and thinking outside of the box (or in the box, rather, since it's a cube).