7 Types Of Candies Everyone Must Try Out

Producer:  Shreeja Bhattacharya

Saltwater Taffies are Chewy and flavored in various fruit and dessert-inspired tastes, a seaside classic.

Chocolate Truffles are smooth, creamy, and filled with rich chocolate ganache, a luxurious treat.

Gummy Bears are fruit-flavoured, chewy, and loved by all ages, a timeless candy favorite.

Colourful licorice candies in various shapes and flavors are loved by licorice enthusiasts.

Crystallised sugar on a stick, rock candies are available in vibrant colours and sweet, pure flavours.

Cotton Candy is fluffy, spun sugar on a stick or in a bag, a fairground delight.

Buttery, hard or chewy,  toffees are often coated in chocolate or nuts, a rich and indulgent treat.