World Toilet Day is observed every year on November 19. And if you are wondering why there's a day dedicated to toilets, then there is a very important objective of this day. World Toilet Day is observed by the United Nations to end the practice of open defecation which is still common in many nations today. The observance has been carried on since the year 2001 by the World Toilet Organisation but in the year 2013, it was declared an official day by the UN. While many nations are still working to build accessible toilets for their population, there are places in the world, which have made some crazy constructions of toilets. These are strange toilets, but they are very much in use. On World Toilet Day 2019, we look at some of the most bizarre and unusual toilets around the world.

Rolling Stones Urinal Pot


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Thought of urinating in seductive lips before? Well, hold your dirty thoughts aside. We are talking about urinals in the shape of Mick Jagger's mouth. Places around the world, certain restaurants, clubs or even private properties have made these red lips as urinal pots.

Aquarium Toilet in Japan


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Answering a nature's call surrounded by nature is possible in this toilet in Akashi, Japan. The Hipopo Papa Cafe in the country boasts of this aquarium toilet, surrounded on three sides by a giant aquarium filled with fishes and turtles. It is a women's only toilet but the male visitors can have a look at it, although not use it.

Trumpet Urinal

Like crooning a bit of music while you pee? Then you can get a feel of it too at The Bell Inn in East Sussex, London. The urinals are designed in the shape of trumpets.

Mirrored-Glass Toilet Art Work


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This is as confusing as it looks. It is actually an artwork called Don't Miss a Sec, a see-though toilet made by an Italian artist named Monica Bonvicini. It is situated on a sidewalk near the River Thames. In here, a user can see out but a person whose outside cannot peek in as it would amount to an invasion of privacy and also voyeurism.

Poo With a View


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If you are more into hiking and treks then you'd come across washrooms which have the most spectacular views. Like can you imagine going to a washroom and admiring the view from the window? In places like Ladakh, Spiti, Switzerland and such high altitude trek points, there are urinals which are built with a stunning backdrop at the back.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Nov 19, 2019 09:30 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website