Spanish Dancer, Hexabranchus aureomarginatus

This Spanish Dancer, or Hexabranchus aureomarginatus, is the largest nudibranch found in Hawaiian waters. It can reach up to 200mm or approx 9″. When threatened, or knocked off its reef “mooring” it will dance through the water column. Its dancing movements combined with its red, yellow and white colour, frilled branchial gills and unfurling margin gave rise to its common name. It is sometimes referred to as Hexabranchus sanguiness, or the Yellow-Margin Spanish Dancer. For more details and taxonomic information, please go to the Sea Slugs of Hawaii Site. The majority of these photos were taken in Ma’alaea Bay, Maui. All photos of the “Spanish Dancer in the Sky” were taken while lying on the sand below or following the animal as it danced through the water column. Since so many have asked . . . the nudibranch was never harmed, touched or removed from the water (at least by me).