Baby Massage

This year, Debbie was lucky enough to undertake a course with the International Association of Infant Massage and train to be a CIMI (Certified Infant Massage Instructor).

Home-Start is really excited to be able to bring the opportunity of learning ‘therapeutic touch’ to parents and babies in West Somerset.

It’s not rocket science, or anything complicated and fiddly, it’s just simple, loving touch. The benefits are many and different for each parent and baby but include, for baby:

  • Feeling closer and safe
  • Feeling and experiencing love, being valued and respected
  • Reducing crying and emotional distress
  • Increased levels of relaxation, longer sleep
  • Developing spatial and body awareness
  • Relief from wind, colic, and constipation

Parents get a unique opportunity for special, one to one time with baby. Many mums and dads have experienced improved mental health, greater confidence as parents and gained an understanding into their baby’s behaviour and what they enjoy.

Contact Theresa at Home-Start West Somerset 01643 707304 or 07342 237876 or email [email protected] for more information and dates.