Posted on July 18, 2012 with 31 notes.
Tagged with false gharial, crocodilian, reptile, info, endangered, .

The False Gharial (Tomistoma schlegelii), also known as the Malayan Gharial, False Gavial, or Tomistoma is a freshwater crocodile of the Crocodylidae family with a very thin and elongated snout.

The false gharial is a large crocodilian, measuring only slightly smaller than the Gharial. Three mature males kept in captivity measured 3.6-3.9m (12-13ft) and weighed 190-210kg (420-460lb), while a female measured 3.27m (10.7ft) and weighed 93kg (210lb). In some cases, males have been reported to grow to as much as 5m (16ft) in length.

The signature feature of the species is its extremely long and slender snout, which is even slimmer than the snout of the Slender-snouted Crocodile’s and comparably as slender as that of the Gharial or the Freshwater Crocodile.

The false gharial is listed as an endangered species by IUCN as the population is estimated at below 2,500 mature individuals. Steps have been taken by the Malaysian and Indonesian governments to prevent its extinction in the wild ad there are reports of some populations rebounding in Indonesia. Yet with this slight recovery, irrational fears of attacks have surfaced amongst the local human population.

Source: Wikipedia
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