Eastnor Castle, Eastnor

In January 1859 Sir George Gilbert Scott surveyed the Great Hall of the castle for the third Earl, and produced a preliminary design for its alteration, but this work was subsequently carried out to the designs of the obscure George E. Fox. Although Scott continued to bank with Cocks Biddulph, and in 1870 it granted him a loan of £1,500, there is no record of him carrying out any further work for the families.

Fisher, G., Stamp, G. and Heseltine, J., (eds), The Scott Family, Catalogue of the Drawings Collection of the Royal Institute of British Architects (Avebury Publishing, Amersham, 1981), 81 [b].
Pevsner, N., Herefordshire, Buildings of England (Penguin Books, Harmondsworth, 1973), p. 124.
Letter from Barclays Archive, 21 June 2005.


St Mary's, Edvin Loach


Memorial to 2nd Earl Somers, Eastnor