What the.. kind of anemone is this? Hitchhiker.


Active Member
loks like a mini pink tip anenome, ive seen them called pink tip tulip anenomes, and majano tulip anenomes, from what ive read, some people like them, others hate them. They do reproduce quicckly like majanos, but some people put up with the reproduction rate because they love the colors, they dont normally get much bigger than an average majano either.


Active Member
Nice colors, how big is this anenome because I notice the hermit crab in the background, he looks pretty big. Nice shot. Thanks


Active Member
it cant be to big, there full grown size is about the size of a nickel to a quarter


Ok, thanks guys, never seen a majano that pretty, but tonight, he will meet aiptasia X
about the size of a dime

bang guy

It's a Tulip Anemone, a close relative of Majano but far easier to control and less destructive. I have used them as hosts for Clownfish Fry.


I read that somewhere that they didn't seem to sting everything like majano. So would you say it should be fine in the tank until it starts to over-populate? I think it is really beautiful. I just have not found much information on it.

bang guy

They WILL reproduce quickly if there is a food source so they are not harmless. They can be easily scraped off a rock or destroyed unlike other pest Anemone.


That would be a pretty cute sight in person I bet. Well I think I am going to get a couple maxi minis so maybe I'll just do away with this one tonight.


Active Member
This is why I don't like the common names. Here are some words from Calfo over on wet web.
"Anemonia anemone 4/6/04
Hi, I attached a picture and have been going around and around with a few people about what exactly these little guys are called I have been calling them Tulip Anemone's and some people have been calling them Aiptasia Anemone's......lol Now I know the difference and would never give away the dreaded ones on purpose, but have I been doing that by mistake?
<this is a handsome Anemonia (so called Majano cf. species). They can be a plague just as easily as Aiptasia. For those with good water quality though (good nutrient export, control of particulates at large, etc) they present no problem and may be enjoyed. I find them to be very attractive>
These guys in the picture split pretty easy when fed directly and are rather beautiful especially when you have a small cluster of them growing in the same area they do not seem to get much larger than a quarter. What do you think they are? Thank You for your time,
<best regards, Anthony>"