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"This book offers you easy-to-follow steps on exactly how to start and operate a thriving home-based travel business and takes the guesswork out of the effort by showing you how to avoid the common pitalls that can possibly interfere with ...
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American Society of Travel Agents. Myrtle Beach Golf Holiday , Myrtle Beach ... My Private Paradise , Washington , District of Columbia My Travel Agent ... Tour Association , D / B / A NTA , Lexington , Kentucky National Tours ...
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... tour etc. ) made it possible to experience a wonderful time in a beautiful country . This was definitely not my last journey to SA ! Karel Moser Belgium THE BEGINNING TOURSAA was established as African Alternatives but joined forces ...
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... services , air taxis Vermietung von Flugzeugen Reisebüros , Tourorganisatoren Shipping and forwarding agents Agences de voyages , tours opérateurs Internationale Transporte , Spediteure Agents d'expédition et de transport E = Exporter 1 ...
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... Travel LATE SUMMER TOURS Sailings in August and September . A comfortable ... S. A. NEWALL & SONS , 127 Stornoway , Scotland State Shades Desired ... services free . References . Hattie Guthman , 309 West 99th St. WIDOWER with 12 ...
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... TRAVEL AND TOURS ( 031 ) 301 5214 TOURIST - TOURS 1101 SUNSHINE VEHICLES HIRE SHUTTLES AND ... ( 021 ) 424 2431 UTRECHT INFORMATION BUREAU Utrecht ( 034 ) 331 3613 SAFARI AND GUIDE SERVICES ... SA Graskop ( 013 ) 767 1833 SAVANNA SAFARIS & ...
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... travel agencies on the Polish market treat outbound foreign tourism as the basic scope of their business activity. This section of the tourist market involves high level of risk resulting from numerous unpredictable situations related ...
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... travel agents , tour whole- salers and operators to sell U.S. travel to their clients ; and 3 ) to provide information services to accommodate the needs of poten- tial visitors who plan their trips independently and do not use travel agents ...
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... service . No Tipping Tours and Travel LENOX EUROPE 1930 Write to Outlook and Independ- ent Travel Bureau for rates , bookings , and details . New York Hotel LENOX , North St. , west of Delaware Avenue , Buffalo , N.Y. Superior accom ...